Ocean Carrier
Operating the World's largest RORO Fleet

Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK) is one of the world’s leading transportation companies with a history spanning more than 139 years


With an extensive global network and operating the world’s largest RORO fleet NYK are able to accommodate a vast range of customer requirements.


More than 100 RORO vessels are operating worldwide with sufficient ramp strength and deck height to accommodate a wide range of cargo.


Alternative Fuels

The latest vessels are fueled by LNG instead of heavy oil and NYK are currently developing alternative fuels to meet future sustainability targets.


NYK is positioning LNG fuel as one of the bridge solutions until future zero-emission ships are realized and plans to take delivery of a total of 20 new LNG-fueled RORO vessels by 2028.


As soon as technological innovation progresses, NYK aims to switch to zero-emission vessels utilizing low-emission marine fuels such as hydrogen and ammonia.

Vessel Safety & Damage Prevention

NYK’s technical teams always ensure the highest standards are maintained during cargo operations both onboard the vessel and ashore on the terminal. Current standards adopted include:


  • NAV9000 Vessel Audit System – NYK’s maritime leading procedures
  • Approved ISO9001 – world class management performance
  • Approved ISO14001 – adhering to global environmental standards
  • SEMC (Safety and Environmental Management Committee)
  • NYK Cargo Handling Manual
  • Safety Cargo Work Promotion Committee
  • STARS (Shipboard Training and Assessment Record System) – enabling continuous remote learning
Quality Cargo Handling

NYK RORO vessels are designed to safely load a wide range of cargo types from individual passenger cars to plant/agricultural machinery, helicopters, yachts and specialist project cargo.


Vessel decks are designed to be configured to accommodate a diverse range of cargoes onboard which is securely lashed to ensure optmal safety whilst at Sea.

360 Video-Tour
Service Brochure

NYK RORO Service Brochure